Reporting live from my life, Megan Hyde, MA, here. Is it weird that I am entirely so excited that I can add the "MA" after my name now? Yes, yes it is. I graduated on Friday and much to my happiness, I am the Salutatorian of my class. As I stood in line waiting to hear my name called to climb the stairs and make my way across the stage, I started to shake a smidgen and when I heard "Ladies and gentlemen, the Salutatorian of the New Media Journalism class..." Well, my heart soared and my legs were strong, no longer shaky.

Aside from the MA after me name, I am excited for new projects, new goals, and books! My god man, the leisure reading books! I bought Orange is the New Black and perhaps it's the freedom to read as long as I want without having to stop and go do homework but I read the first few chapters so intently. Great story so far and I'm excited to get back to it...for.as.long.as.I.want! Ahahahaha so this is how the other half lives?
I must thank all my family and friends for the most support in the world. I am beyond thankful for the large amounts of love and encouragement. It has been a helluva ride; one that I would absolutely take repeatedly. I would not feel as convicted for this without the help from these lovelies.
My Course Directors at Full Sail University are all*stars and truly the finest group of academics I have ever learned from. I could not, would not be where I am without their knowledge and guidance. A 'THANK YOU' written in the sky with glitter smoke while birds swarm around in an aerial design could not fulfill the token of gratitude I'd like to express.
What's next you ask? Allow me to reference some pinspirations to explain some to do's:






Simple McSimpleton advice(s)in my opinion. Onward and up, my loves.
Til me we meet again,
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