One of my fave blogging segments: 1.) I love the show Blue Bloods . It's gritty, endearing, quality television series writing. All of the characters are real and authentic and fleshed out so well. We Netflix binged this one and are caught up now. Can't wait for fall and the new season! 2.) We're going to an Elton John tribute show for my moms birthday. That was our gift to her for her 55th. He's a very favorite artist of hers and the show has great reviews. I'm an Elton fan too of course. I have a cockatoo cocktail ring naked Sir Sparkleton in homage for the amazing Elton. 3.) Have you ever seen Prefontaine ? It's the story of runner Steve Prefontaine and his inspiring career. Hunter's high school track coach had his team watch it and it is a movie that's meant a lot to Hunter. It's on Netflix and it is fantastic. It only further proves Jared Leto to be one of the most versatile actors in the history of ever. I love th
Goals, glitter, and good vibes; a lifestyle blog