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Showing posts from June, 2016

3 Things

One of my fave blogging segments: 1.) I love the show Blue Bloods .  It's gritty, endearing, quality television series writing.  All of the characters are real and authentic and fleshed out so well.  We Netflix binged this one and are caught up now.  Can't wait for fall and the new season! 2.) We're going to an Elton John tribute show for my moms birthday.  That was our gift to her for her 55th.  He's a very favorite artist of hers and the show has great reviews.  I'm an Elton fan too of course.  I have a cockatoo cocktail ring naked Sir Sparkleton in homage for the amazing Elton. 3.) Have you ever seen Prefontaine ?  It's the story of runner Steve Prefontaine and his inspiring career.  Hunter's high school track coach had his team watch it and it is a movie that's meant a lot to Hunter.  It's on Netflix and it is fantastic.  It only further proves Jared Leto to be one of the most versatile actors in the history of ever.  I love th

Homemade Sushi Bowl

Friends at my old work place used to grab sushi bowls from Publix on our lunch break. I never tried one myself but they looked and seemed delicious and were met with rave reviews from them. A few weeks back we grabbed amazing crab meat at Freshfields Farm for a deal. I recalled this little memory of sushi bowls and knew I needed to make one. I love recreating foods at home that I learn of or try when out.  This one is surely a fave. I made basic brown rice, sliced up cucumber and avocado, mixed Greek yogurt with siricha and bibbity boppity boo.  Delicious and healthy, hearty yet light.  It will be a repeat.  This is a good meal for nights Hunter craves something he only likes since I love sushi but he doesn't care for it. Bon appetite, friends.  Hope the week is fabulous! Let's meet again, M

One Pulse

I want to talk about what happened in Orlando at Pulse Nightclub.  I've definitely been thinking of this entire situation since 7am the day it happened.  My good friend called that early to tell us and said she had waited two hours from when she initially learned of this monstrous tragedy.  I knew something wasn't okay when I heard my phone vibrating crazy, I honestly didn't think it was the worst terror attack since 9/11 bad though.  All I knew was my body recognized it was insanely early on a Sunday morning as I reached for my phone. As I ran to the TV I shouted to Hunter "There's been an attack!"  This would be the start of a full 72 hours of being glued to all news, social media, and TV broadcasts.  As some points it felt like a blur, like this isn't happening here, not Orlando.  It's home to the happiest freaking place on Earth.  WTF!!  With every live update came more disbelief and more disgust for the monster who did this. A terrible, horrible

Vogue's 73 Questions

Reporting for blogging duty again!  Jumping right back in, I recently found inspiration over from Jordyn's space with Vogue's 73 Questions opportunity.  Shall we? 1. What’s the best thing that happened to you this month? Seeing growth in our business 2. What is something you’re tired of? Politics 3. What is something that recently moved you? All stories where humans are being good and kind to other humans.  Man, what a concept. 4. If you could teach one subject in school what would it be? Student Success 5. What’s your favorite beverage? Water 6. What’s your favorite cocktail? Blackberry Margarita 7. What is your favorite birthday cake? Brownie cake or spice cake with cream cheese frosting 8. What is one thing you still have from your childhood? Good sportsmanship 9. What is your favorite movie? Dirty Dancing 10. What is something you can’t do? A back flip 11. What is one habit you wish you could break? Over analyzing 12. What makes you laugh no mat