While enjoying a portion of my day at the pool taking in this beautiful, Floridian Easter weather, I spent my time doing one of my most favorite, soul enriching hobbies: dissecting this month's Glamour magazine. Heaven, I'm in Heaven..... There's a page where stars give advice, either their own words to live by or the words from others to them. The four snippets offered are pleasantly refreshing and uplifting to read. One particular star, you may of heard of her, Alicia Keys :), shared her grandmother's words: "Nothing before its time." So perfect. It feels like everyone rushes and pushes their way through life and while determination is never frowned upon, sometimes it morphs with being consumed. Myself, like Alicia, have suffered from impatience since the day I was born two weeks late. I was probably fuming at the great big ol' world when I finally made my appearance. Patience is by far one of my weaknesses. Perhaps being an only child for 13 years didn&
Goals, glitter, and good vibes; a lifestyle blog