What I love about Sundays. I'm making lists for the week aka my zen, happy place, while hunter and the girls enjoy rest. Roni's little fox face popping up kills me. Lists are the best part of my week. Or at least the cornerstone, the backbone, the push I need. As much as I enjoy making lists I enjoy crossing items off even more. Getting ready for the week ahead with a guideline checklist for all of our agency's clients helps me enter Mondays with ease and strategy, saving grace for when things go off list. I also made out a Christmas gift idea list. My goal is to really simplify gift giving by going with a less is more approach. I would like to provide meaningful experience type gifts like passes to a children's museum or tickets to a performance for our niece and nephew for example. We've done the bunch of toys route before so it'll be fun to mix it up. Back to Sundaying, pasta and veggies coming right up! ...
Goals, glitter, and good vibes; a lifestyle blog