One of the most fascinating things to me in all of life, is the impact animals can have on us. Specifically dogs. Now, if you have been to this little nestle in the virtual world before, you have been privy to the love and doting the Munterhegans do on their dogters. These little fur babes really don't care if you have the best or worst day; all they do is care and love on you. Take my Roni. She never lets you eat alone, particularly edamame or green apples. Or go to the restroom alone. Or go to bed without her. In fact, she's very much okay with putting herself in whatever situation that will have her fare best. I guess it's best to say she's always there for you. Literally. Pepper now, she tends to do her own thing in a different kind of way. Clearly the oldest of two, she is a leader for herself and for her sister. She is fearless in most every situation and very protective. Yet, she's sweet and doesn't like when people cry. It's like i
Goals, glitter, and good vibes; a lifestyle blog