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Showing posts from May, 2014

She designed a life she loved

I just know I'd make a wonderful stay at home writer/wife/dogmother. I just know it. So much I know, that I like to play a little game when I am off and Hunter isn't where I text him pics of my daily activities proving we would both benefit from me holding down the fort more often. Exhibits A-C Home essential runs that are actually fun because they are prior to the 5 o'clock rat race hour: Several blogs scheduled with more ideas churning: Without fail daily, I get my gusto going at 11am and feel most amped to work it out: Now, if all will excuse me, I have a fresh blueberry loaf coming hot out of the oven. My next set of convincing explanations to be continued... Happy Friday! Til we meet again, M

My dear, If at first you don't succeed, throw on another accessory & try, try again

Off to try, try again! Til we meet again, M

I've never been a millionaire but I just know I'd be darling at it

Once upon a time, a self-proclaimed accessories buff was minding her own business, working hard through the work day, when all of a sudden, there it came via the wonderful land of Twitter: a 75% off Surprise Sale from Kate Spade! The bejeweled lady became giddy with glee and happiness and reminded how all good things are made of glitter and sunshine: What I paid for these both is merely a fraction of what one cost at full price. Kate Spade, you are continuously the apple of my eye. All is great in the world. Til we meet again, M

Enjoy life, this is not a rehearsal

Another weekend come and gone, another holiday accounted for. I lived up to the itinerary I outlined on Friday quite well. I believe I failed to mention this partFriday, but I created a glorious 4 days off for myself so I have an extra day before returning to reality. This got me thinking about all I've been able to get done while still enjoying time off from alarm clocks and routines. I'd like to go on the record and fully endorse what my campaign would refer to as the "4/3 Greatness". This would be where we would all work 3 days and have 4 off. I mean, the whole life's too short mentality? Um, yea. But most people can't just quit working due to the need for survival and lack of a silver spoon birth right. This would allow moderation but with promotion of living for life, not for a living. Yay! Elle Woods for president! Some visual recaps: Can I just say, yumm? Innovative, precise, and tasty would surmise the entire experience. Jimmy Hula...

Anything is possible with sunshine and a little pink -Lilly Pulitzer

Today is a good day, my friends. Today means at the 6 o'clock hour I shall enter a four day weekend. Full of what, you ask? So far on the agenda is: -trying out a very new and deliciously enticing restaurant known as Cooper's Hawk and Winery; -finishing the rest of season 5 and all of season 6 for Sons of Anarchy-which is phenom BTW; -and enjoying the beautiful weather we are projected to experience, with extra SPF of course. I like to call this agenda a little something known as living the American dream indeed. Oh and I'll be toting around my newly obtained Kate Spades. Surprise 75% off sale, what? I CANNOT wait for the tote! I'll give you a hint until I can show the new ol'gal off #baconeggandcheeseplease :):) Any how, I have to go shopping now ( Love a good Pretty Woman reference) get to finishing my day so the fun can begin. Hope everyone has a safe, fun, relaxing good time. Or go wild and have to retrace events to determine how good it reall...

I'll look back on this and smile because it was life and I decided to live it

I know, I know, somebody's been a really bad blogger and that somebody is me. I'm here, I have no fear, I'm ready to rock. To be honest I have absolutely no excuse other than I plain didn't want to write anything. Inspiration was lacking to put thoughts outside my head and that's pretty much it. I love the feeling I have coming into today's post; I am eager and anxiously excited to get some words down and share the ton of pics I have that will aid in recapping where I've been. Since we last chatted, tons of fun life moments commenced so in no particular order: My good friend Ronda, her sweet fur gal Tessa and I attended the Food Truck Bazaar in Avalon Park. This was amazing; the weather was clear and sunny, the food choices were plentiful and delectable: I even managed to share the above photographed cupcake with Hunter when I got home instead of scarfing it down myself :) We helped my dad celebrate another year of life and managed to complete...