With another year pretty much behind us, and the renewal of my domain name for this here space on the interwbez, I am feeling all kinds of reflective. For starters, I am incredibly baffled how yet another year has come and gone so quickly. Yes, it's the same amount of time as all previous years, minus leap years, but 2014 feels like a blur. I definitely grew this year in terms of being realistic. I am a dreamer, and I long for dreams to come true. What I usually struggle with though, is the time leading up to making a dream come true. I am impatient and hasty at times, while contemplative and indecisive too. I hope to re-purpose these qualities into more productive versions of themselves during the next year. I am quite excited for 2015. I've spent time reflecting and evaluating what worked and what didn't this past year, to prepare for the new. And I believe if you can identify your own key components, you are destined for goodness. Now among so many things th...