While doing what the kids do, "tweeting", I came across the always charismatic, the always passionate, the always advice giving Rev Run. His tweets are igniting, insightful and quite frankly a breath of fresh air. Today's words were especially wonderful: "Count your blessings..You'll feel better..Seriously count them right now..It'll make you feel better." Now, these words are not too detailed, not hard to grasp and oddly calming. I did exactly as the Rev told me to do: La Familia. As a whole they are crazy, wild, loving. They fight, bicker and but defend one another not in our bloodline. There is so much character in each of my family members (blood family or my Roberts family) it is infectious. I'm not right down the road anymore but this is probably why I absolutely appreciate and value them even more than I did when I was. My loving and supportive Hunter Bear. He is truly a good soul and tries so hard at everything he does. He takes care
Goals, glitter, and good vibes; a lifestyle blog