Today smartwater tweeted : “we’re inspired by the clouds every day. what inspires you?” And this got me thinking… I’m not very good at picking one thing. Ever. I love lists, I adore semi colons, and I’m more than a little wordy in 109% of every thing I say or do. Needless to say, the thought of picking one thing that inspires me daily, is a smidge challenging. A good challenge though and one that I accept! Initially, love came to mind. Good ol’L-O-V-E. Aww, how sweet, right? Love from my people, love for them, love of things, all of it. Then I thought about it more and realized that while love is grand, maybe that’s not the thing that inspires me. Motivates yes, but inspire? Hmm… Passion… Words… Tales of strength… Family… Ambition… Well shoot. I’m failing rather well at picking one thing that confidently surmises what inspires me, ay? And as I contemplate, it comes to me! Life. Plain old day to day life inspires me tremendously. Be it the happiness from...
Goals, glitter, and good vibes; a lifestyle blog