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10 years!

August 24th is 10 years Hunter and I have been together.  What? How? When? We did?  It's like omg, what a ride!  My heart is full, my mind is spinning, and I think often why he's my person.  The simplest I can think of is how he makes me laugh.  And smile.  And excited to tell him things all day long.  It doesn't hurt that he's physically good looking and his inside heart is even more charming.  It's also comforting how he's a provider and a protector.  He's smart and kind and he has values and integrity.  He's a lover and fighter for goodness and he gives strong, quality hugs.  All this to say, I am even more smitten than I was 10 years ago with him and that I know is special.

Don't get me wrong, no one is saying all day everyday is peaches and cream.  Lord does he make me madder than a hatter on a hot Florida July day!  He can be stubborn and set out for such perfection at times and he just won't let up when he's intent on something.  He gets grumpy without enough sleep and he leaves his clothes just outside the various hampers and dishes right beside the sink and his beard trimmings?  Don't get me started! BUT......

Hunter loves me despite my laundry list of imperfections and less than stellar quirks.  He really does.  Do you know how special it is to know someone loves you even when they've seen you at your worst, be it physically, mentally, emotionally??  I am blessed and even when I get mad at him, I can't even imagine my life without him.  We are us and it's imperfectly amazing.

I've learned a few thousand things in 10 years with someone.  I'll keep it simple and hopefully eloquent with my top 3 for anyone wondering:

  1. You can't unring the bell. My mom has taught me this for as long as I can remember about anyone and every thing and it's particularly important in my relationship with Hunter.  Think twice and give yourself a second when in a dispute before word vomiting all over the person.  You cannot take back and while you can work through it, it's hard not to leave harsh words in the back of someone's mind.  Speak up and communicate absolutely, but when angry or frustrated, hold on a second before spewing venom.  Collect your thoughts and calmly relay how you feel.
  2. Hug so much.  Don't get so caught up in your daily world or house chores or bills to pay or stress to situate that you don't stop to hug each other and often.  Passion is essential to express and a good solid quality hug can take the weight of so much and condense it down almost instantaneously.
  3. Support each other.  Simple but true.  Whenever I've said things I want to do, whether it's get up at ungodly hours to do a 5k or go to another farmer's market, or I want to travel here or there, or hey I think I'm going to go to grad school and pursue a highly accelerated degree program while working full time, or how about if I quit my steady job to work for myself---Hunter has been right there with me setting alarm clocks, helping proof assignments, and doing anything he can to reach whatever goal, absurd and not, that I've got in my mind.  Support is crucial and without it I don't see how much of anything can be successful.
I examine things often and I feel lucky to have what I have with Hunter.  He's my best biggest pain in the world!!!  There is absolutely no one else I'd like to do life with.  10 years is a pretty good dent in forever and I pray every day for 10 x 10 more!


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