My, my, my that holiday weekend flew by! All the usual feelings are present and accounted for: happiness from the greatness we experienced; frustration with getting back to the daily grind of reality; and a certain sadness that stems from it all being over.
4th of July signifies the middle of summer so we are now on the descend of the season. I won't be the saddest to see the heat go, if it ever does, but I am eager for fall! I know, I know, no need to get ahead of ourselves. Don't worry, I'm not going to start ordering my white hot chocolate and demanding it in the red Starbucks cup. Yet. Although, I did bust out some new Lauren Conrad boots and tights the other day. I scored the kicks from Kohl's, which were at a severe, severe discount. I got an even better deal than what the site lists them for. Basically, people, it's happy trails ahead!
Over the holiday weekend, Hunter and I ate, drank, and relaxed a plenty. It was fabulous.
There was lunch with friends featuring crab cake bites, sausage and ricotta flat bread, and classic Americana cuisine:

Ready for this one? Bang Bang Shrimp Benedict! Yes, it was as glorious as you can imagine. So were the endless Peach mimosas.

We were able to spend tons of time with our baby girl dogters. Pepper even let us pick what to watch:

Baked super simple peanut butter cookies with only 3 ingredients! The recipe is from Katy over at Sugarlaws and is amazingly easy peazy and quite delicious:

I also whipped up a mini peach cobbler using one bagel thin, 8 vanilla wafers, 1 whole peach diced roughly, and churned some flavor with honey, cinnamon, a splash of vanilla and a teaspoon of butter. Throw a 1/4 cup of vanilla yogurt on top and wah-la!

And cleaned the whole house. Which I do not have pics to document but trust me, it's spic and span. In short, I love long weekends. Why are they not every day?!?!
Til we meet again,
4th of July signifies the middle of summer so we are now on the descend of the season. I won't be the saddest to see the heat go, if it ever does, but I am eager for fall! I know, I know, no need to get ahead of ourselves. Don't worry, I'm not going to start ordering my white hot chocolate and demanding it in the red Starbucks cup. Yet. Although, I did bust out some new Lauren Conrad boots and tights the other day. I scored the kicks from Kohl's, which were at a severe, severe discount. I got an even better deal than what the site lists them for. Basically, people, it's happy trails ahead!
Over the holiday weekend, Hunter and I ate, drank, and relaxed a plenty. It was fabulous.
There was lunch with friends featuring crab cake bites, sausage and ricotta flat bread, and classic Americana cuisine:
Ready for this one? Bang Bang Shrimp Benedict! Yes, it was as glorious as you can imagine. So were the endless Peach mimosas.
We were able to spend tons of time with our baby girl dogters. Pepper even let us pick what to watch:
Baked super simple peanut butter cookies with only 3 ingredients! The recipe is from Katy over at Sugarlaws and is amazingly easy peazy and quite delicious:
I also whipped up a mini peach cobbler using one bagel thin, 8 vanilla wafers, 1 whole peach diced roughly, and churned some flavor with honey, cinnamon, a splash of vanilla and a teaspoon of butter. Throw a 1/4 cup of vanilla yogurt on top and wah-la!
And cleaned the whole house. Which I do not have pics to document but trust me, it's spic and span. In short, I love long weekends. Why are they not every day?!?!
Til we meet again,
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