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My weekend, my friend and a whole lotta pictures

What a successful weekend. I worked most of the day Saturday and managed to get so many other things accomplished still. Specifically, tons of school things were completed, initiated, and planned for. Enjoyed some grocery shopping and made yummy meals while knocking out some house chores too. Busy with purpose is the only way to get over being busy, ya know?

This is a part of my thesis I am very excited to continue investigating. To learn more, please head over to my other site

Sat. night my amazing friend Lizetty and her fiance had a housewarming/Halloween party that was positively magnificent. They put on a good show that's for sure! The food, the bevvies, the company, it was a smash hit.

Some dolled up tangerines, hey girls!

Lizetty made these entirely from scratch, dolled them up something fierce, and assembled the adorable stand like a pro.

This year, I was inspired by the lifestyle of fabulous and came to showcase this in the form of a scarecrow. I had all the ingredients for said costume minus a silver wig and tinsel and some new boots, which I need for the rest of fall and the coming winter.

Love these. Hey Target, you spoke to my soul yet again. Well played.

Hunter had some work done for the event. What a ghoulishly good looker he is. By the way, his eyes are closed in these pics. The artist did phenomenal work.

So cool and totally creepy.

For a smidgen of some downtime, I had brunch with a good friend that included...wait for it...Raspberry Mimosas! And honest to god mini french, home fries. Adorable and it was good, good, good.

We strolled along Park Ave after and AS IF a fab fritatta and super fun company wasn't enough to make it a great time, there was a Pet Costume Contest happening with dogs of all shapes and sizes and all variations of mini cowboy hats, super hero masks, and coinciding devil/angel outfits! Somebody pinch me! We both were ready to become Pug foster parents after witnessing a dog kissing booth with a precious little doll named Ella that simply stole my heart. I was totally prepared to make my usual call to Hunty with a request to come help me with things to bring in the house from the car. Surpriseeeeee......

Happy to begin my third to last class of graduate school today. Wish me well. Let's do this.


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