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Just another manic Monday with a side of recap

Monday, Monday, Monday. We meet again, you devilish being you. I welcome your usual challenge of wanting to hit snooze and struggling not to keep uttering, "Well, it is Monday..." when all your, I mean, the little annoyances that could happen any day occur. I will start off in an upbeat, positive, happy go lucky manner. May the odds be in favor of this great idea o'mine. So, to catch up, well the last week has been slightly off course of usual routines, mostly due to the holiday and partly due toooooooo......SUMMER BREAK! No research, no deadlines, and even a light book reading for pleasure commenced. My oh my, it feels good to be back among the living!

My summer break is now o-v-a, ova though. After one week off, I am slightly refreshed-I still worked my day job so not like summer breaks past of tanning, serving at night, and boozing. I am ready to dive into my 6th month of grad school and am eager to get back to the fun, and stress alike, that is school. I did have the 3rd-4th off so it was quite lovely having two days off during the week over the holiday. I was able to make the delicious treats I spoke of in Thursday's post, what I like to call Independence Day Brownie Kabobs, a la these ingredients:

Def yummy must for your next summertime get together, I'd dare to say.

We also slowed it down a minute to enjoy New Castle's new blonde berrr. Perhaps that's what made the kabob making so enjoyable, come to think of it...

And lastly, Little Ro Ho-alicious got herself a day of some grooming, grubbing and belly rubbing and will now look goofy for 2-3.5 days until her shortened 'do grows in a bit. Boo child is gorgeous no matter the day but none the less a tid bit goofy too.

Sisters then had doggy ice cream to celebrate another victory of survival and return from one of the dreaded places they fear, aka anywhere that isn't home.
And on that note, I have to say the very best doggy salon and shop we've attended yet is Groom, Grub and Belly Rub in Avalon Park. Trust me folks, we've been to many a spots in the years of these beasts so I'm going off a few comparables. They have friendly staff, you know as if it's ludicrous to expect those in the pet business to like animals, nutso, I know; they listen and they talk to their clients to know exactly the service little sparky desires; and my dogs don't cry and whimper once we pull up, which to me speaks volumes. My girls are pretty fair judges of character. I give G,G&BR two paws up big time!

Today, Monday, I am hopeful for an exciting first day of a new class, a good sweat session after work, and some blissful time for personal projects. I also hope anyone who sees this has a/an (__Adjective of choice__) start of the week as well. Happy Mondays to all and to all a fab day.

Oh, and only 6 days until Dexter is on again, my fellow enthusiasts. Count 'em down!


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