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Sick and Stir Crazy

I am going stir crazy from being cooped up in the house sick. Like, okay, sometimes when you get a little run down and take a little TLC down time and it feels good and let’s you get back to new in no time.

Well, I’m talking the hacking, coughing, sneezing, headachy, clogged ears, sore throat, oh perfect timing because I have a zillion things to do kind of down. Ick. I got up yesterday and started doing stuff in my kitchen and had to lay back down almost instantly because it just was, as pop culture says, “too soon”. Anyhow, I’m trying not to whine too much and appreciate having something that will pass and focus on resting now to get better ASAP.

I took a small walk outside today and that was hard but good. Hard because I haven’t been keeping up with my usual routine; I typically walk 3 miles at minimum a day and have now missed a chunk of time off between having a little bug right after holidays, Florida having freakishly cold weather making it unbearable to be out in, and then what I’ve got going on currently. I’m also battling sinitis and the beginning of bronchitis so it’s a little trying to power walk when I’m still breathing through my mouth 75% of the time. It was also lovely though. It was a nice and warm and sunny Blue sky kind of day. It felt good to sweat and move. I’m ready to get out to do it again tomorrow too, it’s just what the doctor ordered indeed.

 Reminder when sick and grumpy; ain't this the truth in general!


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