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Fall into fall

It's happening; I'm dreaming of a cool breeze, fun patterned scarves, and Halloween movie marathons.  I WANT FALL AND ALL IT HAS TO OFFER.  I'm exhausted from the excruciating high temperatures and look forward to this time of the year coming because of this.  "It's going to cool off, it's going to cool off," I probably mutter 12 times a day to myself.

Give me some Remember the Titans, turkey chili, Halloween socks, and a cozy sweater STAT!  Throw some pumpkin cream cheese swirl cake in for good measure, too.

In the meantime, out of effort for living in the current season of life, I'm enjoying some of the summer pleasures I'll yearn for around February: watermelon, cherries, sundresses, neon nail polish (I mean, really this doesn't live in one season for me), and longer nights full of light.  That's probably my least favorite part of fall; I don't love how dark it gets so early.  Eh, in every season I suppose a little darkness shall fall.

Bye, Summer Felicia.  See ya next year!



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