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I took a breaky for a bit from ohgabetta. I was getting a little over zealous for a minute and truth be told I burnt out. I admit, school, work and day to day events have me going at warp speed these days. I let this little space o' mine fall behind me. I know it's life and it happens and it's not the end of the world but to me it is. I really want to stick with blogging as a steady thing. I need this. I am doing what I want to do, which is living my life and being able to capture so many happy thoughts an ideas to place down on virtual paper. I like talking in this space and adding pictures the way I see them. Talk about serenity freaking now.

I needed to breathe and reboot (wise words from the fab CB from SATC, BTW) and honestly the few days I've had off from work extra were much needed. Yes. They. Ar--I mean Were. As in, time to go back to reality and alarm clocks. Es la vida, no?

It helps that I got my paws on some new (on sale-yesss) stationary. Lots of happy desk spaces for me! I think this cures this bout of writer's curse(block). Having trouble virtually? Kick it old school with some dainty little sheets, some new mechanical glitter pencils(um, duh), and bam! You get it together and address your blog abandonment issue. Done.


School ideas, errands, house projects, random thoughts of inspiration, grocery items---literally my brain in a five minute window. That reminds me; poor Hunter.

Okay, so I see in the bloggy world alot of awesome recaps from the weekend and a lot of reflection on the first day back after everyone's awesome holiday. Honestly, the world is wonderful right now. It was a beautiful few days to spend celebrating those who have fought, are fighting, and to those who aim join the Armed Forces. Thank you to anyone who come across this article for your courage and sacrifice in so many ways.

It sure is nice to have time to do what ya wanna do, take in some natural vitamin D, and quite honestly do whatever else blows your dress up. Travel, be lackadaisical, party, don't party, clean your house, trash someone else's pool, whatever the kids are doing these days. Hunty and I chose a little bit of homebody-ism with a side of visits to the pool multiple days:

Le view from under my floppy hat

Good healthy brain food and some lounging with red box in between pool vizzies:

(notsomuchpuppies)puppybabies time, talk about lounging this weekend...

These two? Ugh, of course they did.

I'm very rejuvenated for the short work week to commence and I'm especially thankful I had one extra day. I spent the entire day focusing on my final publication that ends my first semester of grad school. That doesn't mean much of anything actually. I start a new class Monday. That's the joy and the pain of a 1-year program indeed. It is 20% of my grade and I am earning every bit of that 20, let me just say. Excited, nervous, eager, antsy-you name it and I am feeling it on this one. Ready to bring to life my planning and create this story.



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