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Cajun sprinkled pasta & veggies ala Momma K

Pasta is a won.der.ful thing, my friends. Veggies are pretty fab too. I marry the two all the time. It's simple, yet has enough room to pep it up from the add in's. I do keep a mindful approach to my pasta amount per serving so I like to have the pasta be the supporting star while the veggies are the star.

I boil the pasta & veggies together. Say what? Yep, the pasta I get is the one in the fridge section, when it's on BOGO obvi, and it cooks up in about 7 minutes and 30 seconds. Perfectly enough, so do broccoli and asparagus.

Goes together like this:

Ends up like this:


Meanwhile, I have some olive oil, butter, Parmesan cheese and chopped garlic simmering together. I add tomatoes right to it. Simmer on low for roughly 10 minutes. Something about this combo simply blends deliciously. Given the name of this dish, the first part pretty much developed from the straight forward list of ingredients and the ala is ode to my momma. Knizzy, always made olive oil dressing versus sauce with pasta. It's a beautiful thing y'all when momma gets going with some pasta.

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Right about now, I pour a glass of my preferred poison:

Ah, yes. A glass of blue (Gatorade)

Join everything in harmony. Sprinkle some sea salt, pepper and any version of New Orleans Cajun seasoning over top and twirl throughout. Yes, twirl. That's the secret; ya gotta twist the pasta and veggies around for the most opportune taste. Add a sprinkle more of the Parmesan and grab ya'self a fork.

Oh, and one last thing I swear. Ask your significant other to clean up the kitchen and do dishes while flashing a sweet smile. Works like a charm.

Happy meal,


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