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Flower Devour

Never get so busy making a living you forget to make a life. Catchy right? Well I cannot take credit for such words of wisdom but I can tell you both Hunter and I loved the plaque we purchased from Kirkland's and then proceeded to hang above our dining table that read such insightful words. Upon choosing to hang it where we did, we reasoned it was fitting since most families don't have dinner sitting down at their table any more and we should try to remember to slow down every so often. Poetic, I know.

These days both the Bubsy and I run, run, run all week long trying to get to Friday at 6:00:

Mondays are Mondays. If you learn one thing as an adult it's to let the misconception that Mondays are evil go and wear red heels to offset the anger you used to feel for that day of the week.

By Tuesday we're itching for the weekend and aggravated by all forms of traffic annoyances, frustrated that the dogs aren't behaving and in bed by 10 ready to wake up and it not be Tuesday.

Wednesday is obviously hump day and that alone makes everything seem better.

Thursdays? Now Thursdays offer hope. It means you've almost made it and the light at the end is peaking through the cracks of the tunnel encouraging you to hang on, just one more day...

Friday, Friday, Friday! Where have you been all week? Just waiting to show your self you old fool! Everything is light hearted and that pep in your step is back, really showing through the use of peep toe pumps. Or for Hunter a simple pullover Polo as opposed to his button downs for the rest of the week.

Only mere hours stand between us and our two days of
sleep, outdoor activities such as the local Farmer's Market, jogging on the not so hidden trail we discovered, or taking Nephew Ethan on the swing "one more time"(his favorite question after he finds a new activity he enjoys). Lounging around Barnes and Noble, producing fresh clean bed sheets and towels for the Ro to make herself comfortable in, brunching and doing whatever else comes our way because it's what we work all week to be able to do, takes up the rest of our well deserved time off.

Refreshed and revitalized, no not my hair, we're almost ready for the new week. Almost, meaning time to hop to it and grab the red kicks down from their ledge in the dressing room to set out because we all know Mondays still are Mondays. If the morning isn't a tid bit chaotic it offsets the whole rest of the week :)

Happy May Flowers to all!


  1. Very motivational Meggie! Great job! Love you, and love reading your blogs!!
    <3 Danielle


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