Elizabeth Taylor passed away today. She's been in poor health for a while so I don't know why I'm as saddened/surprised as I am. Any of my coworkers within ear shot probably think I'm completely nuts since I gasped and grasped my desk when the headline popped up. I suppose it's because Elizabeth was a symbol of perseverance..determination..strength. Whether it was her never give up on love attitude, her ability to stand straight up to adversity, or simply her impeccable style, Elizabeth Taylor executed some very key elements of womanhood.
For decades women longed for those catlike eyes, that stylish and charitable lifestyle, and come on now, the jewels man! My "storage-closet-turned-accessories-dressing-room-by-my-beloved-Bubsy" is merely a clutch compared to the Birkin purse of a room Ms. Taylor accumulated over her years. Gorgeous and glorious she was and she will be insanely missed by all who admired her for as many reasons as she had carats.
Such a bittersweet moment to cherish; the world lost one of the most compassionate activists, yet sweetly enough Ms. Elizabeth rejoins some of her very special friends. As a matter of fact, Elizabeth and MJ are surely to be grooving to his Greatest Hits by now.
Their afterlife, what a Thrill-er.
For decades women longed for those catlike eyes, that stylish and charitable lifestyle, and come on now, the jewels man! My "storage-closet-turned-accessories-dressing-room-by-my-beloved-Bubsy" is merely a clutch compared to the Birkin purse of a room Ms. Taylor accumulated over her years. Gorgeous and glorious she was and she will be insanely missed by all who admired her for as many reasons as she had carats.
Such a bittersweet moment to cherish; the world lost one of the most compassionate activists, yet sweetly enough Ms. Elizabeth rejoins some of her very special friends. As a matter of fact, Elizabeth and MJ are surely to be grooving to his Greatest Hits by now.
Their afterlife, what a Thrill-er.
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